Are Your Kids Afraid Of Storms And Other Noise?
Having two kids with different reactions to storms and other loud noises made me wonder how other children react. Are my kids any different than yours? Come find out what my facebook groups said about their kids.
Are your kids afraid of storms and other loud noises?
Last night, and for most of this last week, we’ve had crazy thunderstorms here in central Kansas. Last night there were even tornado warnings and the rain came so fast and hard that we had townspeople flooded out of their homes.
While my youngest daughter was already fast asleep in the quiet part of our house and my oldest daughter was staying at her friend’s home, my dogs were freaking out over the loud rain and thunder. This led me to wonder how other people’s kids react to storms and other loud noises.
When my 15 year old was 3, our town was hit by a tornado. Our house was left standing, but everything behind us was laid flat by an F4 tornado that left rubble and shards of houses, the school and other local buildings. She had major storm issues for years. However, my 11 year old whom I was about a month pregnant with at the time and who has autism, is not bothered by storms or the noise they produce. We’ve had to go the storm shelter several times in her life and she is still not freaked out by them.
Here is my question and some of the responses from the moms in the special needs facebook groups that I’m in. (I am maintaining privacy by not posting names other than my own)
Are you kids afraid of storms? my oldest is more afraid than youngest. my oldest went through a tornado when she was 3. My youngest has autism. Jenn Alex Brockman
My ASD (autism spectrum disorder) girl doesn’t LOVE them, but she’s not bothered by them. My dog is here just flipping out with the storms rolling through. My oldest is 15 now and does much better, but she was freaked out for years. Jenn Alex Brockman
My oldest used to hide under tables when she was afraid. The youngest looks to me to find out if it’s serious and we have to go to the shelter for tornados, but if I’m calm, she’s calm. She’s usually determined even if I’m nervous. She knows the drill.
What do you do to help your own children deal with storms and loud noises? Please share in our comments section below.