Homework Assistance Tips for Busy Moms
It can be tough trying to help your kids with their homework, especially if you are a busy mom or have been out of school for a long time. You probably worked all day, are tired too, and the last thing you feel like doing is helping out with homework.
Some busy moms choose to hire a tutor to help their children with their homework. But, you may not know where to start in finding a tutor, or being able to pay for one. So, by helping your children yourself, you are forming a bond and developing a relationship of trust.
Homework Assistance Tips for Busy Moms
Parents who put in time with their children are normally much closer to them. Your child will view you as a dependable person and someone they can turn too when things go wrong.
Teachers set homework for a variety of reasons of which I don’t pretend to understand. The amount of work handed to my teen is incredible and unbelievable!
First it teaches a child that they must work and that they have a responsibility to complete their assignments. By doing homework, a child will learn that it is just a part of life and they must put their best effort out each day.
Busy moms often make the mistake of finishing their child’s homework for them. This is not going to help them in the long run. All you are doing is showing your children that it is acceptable to pass their chores and tasks onto someone else.
To Reward or Not?
It is okay to give your child a reward for finishing their homework but don’t go overboard. They need to learn that they must always put their best effort into everything they do. This way they are learning to value the results that they earn for themselves.
The best homework assistance that a busy mom can give to her child is to train them to be independent. Right from the beginning you need to let them know that you are available to give homework assistance but you are not doing the homework for them.
For me, the level of knowledge my teen has needed to get homework done is beyond what I know. However, I have been able to coach her by asking her the questions it takes to help her understand where to look for the answers and how to find the help in understanding her homework.
Schedules Help
Another great tip is to set a homework schedule that works for both of you. This might be after dinner when you have both had time to relax from your busy day. This way, when you sit down together to work, you are both refreshed and eager to get the homework finished.
As your child becomes accustomed to their schedule and in taking responsibility for their own work you will find that they don’t actually require as much homework assistance as you thought. Your main job as a mom or parent is to just be there in case they need you!