1. Jenn
    06/24/2015 @ 10:20 PM

    Which doctor are you asking? A regular family doc won’t know the answers usually. You need to find a diabetic clinic who can help educate you and your family.

    Some of the cause may be due to the meds your brother is on. Check them all (talk with doc and look online) for common side effects of all his meds. Even if you find one and are able to reduce it, it will take time to get his body to adjust.

    My daughter is off her risperidone for about 6 months now after being on it for years – and she’s doing much better, but still needs a couple pills daily and we do try to watch what she eats – a low carb type of diet is best and can be adapted to eating out often. You can try the travelinglowcarb.com for tips on not cooking, but still eating low carb.

  2. Sill
    06/24/2015 @ 10:07 PM

    I don’t know how old this thread is but we found out my sibling with autism has type 2 diabetes at the beginning of the year.

    We only found out because I finally took him to get his eyes checked and there was high levels of sugar in his blood vessels.

    It’s been a roller coaster of a ride. Going out and eating is basically his way of exploring the world. There is the constant worry he is going to gouge himself on unhealthy treats or just going out and eating is causing his blood sugar to spike. Even when he’s at home we modify his meals but his sugars seem to still be high.

    sigh…I’ve asked the doctor many questions but many of them are food related and he relies me over ot the dietician but I didn’t find she was that helpful.

    What is one to do?

  3. drjocelyn
    06/08/2015 @ 7:53 PM

    I smiled when I read this part: “A handful of widely known diabetes organizations never mentions that diabetes reversal is possible. Why? Because diabetes is a BIG business and there’s revenue to be gained for those organizations…” You are absolutely right! I’ve seen so many patients reverse their diabetes. All it takes it to find the root cause of the problem and correct it once and for all.
    drjocelyn recently posted…Earlier Diabetes Diagnosis Decreases Cardiac Complications, Say ResearchersMy Profile

  4. Jenn
    04/16/2013 @ 9:52 PM

    The clinic that was going to conduct the med. study for autism did some type of blood test twice. Both times, with and without food, her glucose level was high. They said to go to our regular doctor for further testing. The general practitioner did a blood test called an H1C (I think) which is supposed to show your average blood glucose level over the last 3 months.

    Nove’s was at the low end of what is considered type 2 diabetic (not pre-diabetic). ‘

    If anyone in your family has had diabetes or pre-diabetes, it is a good idea to get tested and watch what you eat.

  5. Marc Norris
    04/16/2013 @ 9:40 PM

    In order to find that your daughter had Diabetes, did they just do a simple blood test, or was something else involved?
    Marc Norris recently posted…Raising Child Number FourMy Profile

  6. julie
    04/04/2013 @ 12:17 AM

    As a mother of a child who has type 1 diabetes (and ADHD) I can totally understand all you’r going through. First let me address your feelings of being overwhelmed. Oh Yes! it is overwhelming, especially in the beginning! However, as you become accustomed to all the mood swings and procedures, you will adjust and learn how to deal with, and even predict, when and what foods set her off and cause high or low blood sugars.

    Your anger is very justified! diabetes is a chronic disease and one that should always be taken seriously. It effects all the major organs, eyes, heart, circulation, brain (because the lows and highs = mood swings) and even learning (depending what her blood sugars are)

    The good news for you is that it can be cured or turned back with diet and exercise, and in your daughters case, medication or lack of it.

    YOU CAN DO IT!! Shots are very intimidating for both the giver and receiver. However, you will learn how to become comfortable with this too.( I had to give my ten month old baby shots every day) 🙁 Be sure to test, test, test in order to keep her blood sugar. under control.

    This is a very complicated and intense issue. The amount of information and care it takes to keep your child healthy is immense. So take some time to breathe my friend, and give yourself and your daughter all the room you need to adjust.

    Your friend,

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